Tesla enthusiasts dazzle with heart-shaped light display featuring more than 200 cars

Tesla enthusiasts dazzle with heart-shaped light display featuring more than 200 cars

The most recent synchronized Tesla light display occurred in Europe, involving over 200 vehicles forming a heart shape.

In Salzburg, Austria, Tesla owners showcased a light exhibition featuring more than 200 cars as part of the larger Tesla Takeover event taking place over the weekend. The light display unfolded on Friday evening amidst the ongoing event, which is scheduled to run until Sunday, as detailed on the event’s official website.

Hosted by the Tesla Owners Club Austria, the event is closely affiliated with various other Tesla owners clubs, spanning across Europe.

This unique light presentation concluded with a delightful surprise, adding an extra touch of warmth to the occasion. Below are a few setup snapshots from the Tesla light exhibition, shared by the Tesla Owners Club of the Netherlands.

You can find the complete light show event on YouTube below, running for approximately five and a half minutes.

Originally launched as an exclusive feature for the Model X, Tesla introduced the ability for owners to orchestrate coordinated light shows with multiple vehicles in December 2022, extending the feature to all of its vehicles. Since then, numerous groups have organized impressive Tesla light shows similar to this one.

In April, Tesla owners in South Korea hosted the largest Tesla light show to date, boasting over 1,000 vehicles. Prior to that, owners in Finland had organized a light show with 687 Tesla cars, while previous record-holders included groups in Germany (255 cars) and San Luis Obispo, California (170 cars), who presented a Cybertruck-themed show during last summer’s Tesla Takeover.

This year, the Silicon Valley Tesla Takeover has rebranded itself as the X Takeover, widening its appeal to include enthusiasts interested in Elon Musk’s other ventures. Scheduled for July 27 and 28, the California takeover will feature a Tesla light show and keynote speeches by prominent figures such as Franz von Holzhausen and Jared Isaacman.

Watch the video from here~

The article is excerpted from teslarati.
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